Very end of Daily Heroic. Come kill this bitch. xxGriffcorexx is GT
at the end of the daily heroic. anyone wanna help?
Hunter 250+ light Need 2 for daily heroic messege gt: irishcarbombb
Need 2 for last part of daily against oryx Send message to gt above for invite
Xbox one titan looking for someone to do daily story with Gt: shaggy2120
#LFG 293 Warlock looking to do the daily. Invite on Live pls. Gamertag = Konyn
I'm at the end of the daily. I need at least one more. Msg gamertag same as name for inv. Come get these legendary marks
Edited by Twisted Berk: 9/27/2015 5:17:33 AMXbox 1. Need 2 for daily heroic. At last check point. Gt same as above.
We are grinding weekly heroics for a few hours and looking for another experienced guardian around 280 light who wants to join us. I'm tired of matchmaking, the third always leaves at the begining. Message [b][u]DustBomb197[/u][/b]8 if you want to join us on Xbox one.
Need 2 for daily message gt above
Need two for daily heroic.
Need at least one for daily sierra6niner82
At oryx msg jack aubry for a quick 15 marks
Almsot at the end Msg blarg with 11'G on xbox for an invite
I need two for the daily heroic
I need two for the daily heroic
Daily Message me in game for invite
Daily Message me in game for invite
Need 2 for daily, Gt same
290 for daily heroic inv graphicwheeler
need 1 for farming heroic strikes message for inv
Need one for daily at oryx gt same as above
Need help with daily hmu on xbox
At oryx on daily need help... Message babosa
Need 1 or 2 for daily heroic mission hmu on xbox
Need help with Mars quest... At the final boss only take on minute but hard to do by myself. Please msg me for invite if you could spare the time thanks