Need help with Mars quest... At the final boss only take on minute but hard to do by myself. Please msg me for invite if you could spare the time thanks
Level 40 warlock light level 292. For the daily. MSG to join, about to face oryx. gt ungawd
301 titan lf inivte daily heroic
Msg Icyy Dicey for quick daily run
Need 1 person for daily heroic mission(already half way through) Gt Blind Rooster 9 Xb1
Need 1 person for daily heroic mission(already half way through) Gt Blind Rooster 9 Xb1
Hunter 250+ light needs help with daily heroic. Currently at oryx with half health messege gt: irishcarbombb
Need one or two for fallen saber strike
Need two for Daily Already started Message GT above for inv
Hey I need help with a nightfall on my second character warlock my other character is 302 and has done the raid I need people to kinda carry me through the nightfall I am experienced gt same as above msg for inv
Hey I need help with a nightfall on my second character warlock my other character is 302 and has done the raid I need people to kinda carry me through the nightfall I am experienced gt same as above msg for inv
Need an effective team On the oryx checkpoint Need to have experience and 300+ light Message for inv GT: AnlDrule19
280 hunter lfg daily gt same as above invite in game
Need one to finish oryx already at final fight
Need 2 for daily heroic already started.... messege gt: irishcarbombb
Need 2 for daily
Need help on last part Hunter level 239 Msg xds punisher
258 hunter. Looking for daily. Same name as above
246 titan looking for daily run
Looking for one or two to make this go faster 295 warlock.
40 warlock. Gt same as above
Message NSF Casper for invite
Heroic inv gt bcimz94
Need two for undying mind mission for hunger pangs bounty. Inbox for invite. Gt same as above
Looking for 2 people for daily weekly and nightfall.. Starting with the daily. I'm 40 Warlock light 253. Msg gt Jefferson204 for invite
Fresh run message me on Xbox live for invite gt FuntCase ll