Fresh run message me on Xbox live for invite gt FuntCase ll
Need 2 daily heroic message gt: thisDa G
Lvl 40 warlock. 241 light. Looking to do daily. Gt above send invite
Gt: piratecapnjim for daily heroic
At oryx need a hand send message to Charleston Hugh
306 Titan for daily Bentleysmells
293 warlock lookin for daily invite gt above
At Oryx, need some help, message on xbox one
At shield brothers (final boss area) with nobody but me at 260 weekly playlist. Msg GreekSamba for invite because I need help :/
Hunter 286 light for daily.pls send invite.
Anyone have a lower sub-40 character they are looking to level up? I'm on the lost to light story, go a little faster with more than one!
lf 1 or 2 4 daily
LF 2 to do daily GT Uggadunk (Warlock 300)
Need at least one more. I'm a 294 light Titan. Gt: TheEliteMetro
Anyone for daily lvl 260 lock. Add me evilryan1234
Looking to daily msg for invite GT is same as above
Need daily help, I'm about halfway done. Gt: Sun Divide
Need 1 person to help me run through the story
295 titan for daily heroic... GT sxd45
282 warlock for daily, invite krieger723
280 titan for heroic daily add me :)
Needing someone for the Daily Heroic. Send me a message and I'll invite, gt same as above
At oryx on daily halfway through. GT same as above if you want to join.
need 2 for daily.
Need help on daily Lvl 253 Titan
Nightfall. Msg GT for inv