Hosting a fresh start need 5 im lv 34 hunter message Etho007
Sword helping crota checkpoint. GT: izveli
Looking to join Crota cp, 33 Titan, invite Vysi
Need 3 for deathsinger cp gt Mondy0 message for invite
Need 1 for hard crota. Snd msg for inv
Need 5 including swordbearer for crota cp hard. MSG speakeasy513 for inv. Need to do it quick! Swordbearers get priority inv
Need 5 for Crota hard checkpoint also need swordbearer msg for inv
Lv 34 Hunter can run sword LF a team to run crota hard sent a game invite GT Demon Hollowfy
Vog hard fresh msge CrispyxDefile for inv
34 Titan with jelly horn Lf group inv thelancer50
At Crota hard need 2 msg in game costly grace
34 Warlock Max Gjallarhorn Same GT
Need 2 for trials must be 34 GT same as above msg me for inv
Team of 2 warlocks looking to do Crota Max armor and weapons GT is username.
Need 4 people fresh start Message me same gt
34 Hunter looking for Crota cp hard, Send invite to gt: AtomicKestrel33
Lvl 32 looking for 5 I'm at cross the bridge checkpoint gt same as name there's a zero in gold
Need 5 for Crota cp. Hardmode, and someone to run sword, send message for invite, gt same as above
Need 3 for fresh run. Message for invite
Gt is above
Great is above
I have a Croat cp have 3 spaces available and I need a sword bearer hard mode
Need full team for crota msg Synilz for an inv
Need 1 swordbearer at Crota! (Need to know what you are doing!) MSG;Grouchyysniper thanks!
Need 1 titan for Crota cp message tonythakilla87