Need 3 for hard crota checkpoint msg me on xbox for inv
Need 2 incl sword bearer for hard Crota, at Crota, message for invite
Need 4 for hard Crota. GT Kurt Levi
Need 4 for crota cp massage xxninja2003 for invit
Need 5 Crota cp add skull cru5h3r 9
Crota Hard at the end. Need 4 and a sword bearer Message for the add.
Edited by joshdmc3: 8/24/2015 2:25:29 PMNeed 5 Crota cp add skull cru5h3r 9
Crota normal need 2 then doing 2 hards if you want to stay in
Need 3 for normal crota, message for inv, gt is name..
34 swordbearer helping out invite only if u need me to run sword gt same as above
2 lvl 34 titans need 4 for crota hard gt:bennyBXblanco * no sword bearer
34 Titan looking for fresh hard crota inv me GT same
Edited by l McLoven l: 8/24/2015 7:38:23 AMLooking for 3 more message. | McLoven |
34 swordbearer helping out invite only if u need me to run sword gt same as above
34 hunter. Swordbearer. Looking to join crota cp group. Normal or hard. Gt: same
34 Titan and 34 warlock hosting a FRESH Crota's end on HARD MODE! We have max gjallyhorn, hunger of crota, blackhammer, and ice breaker. We are looking for 4+swordbearer. Must have experience of this raid if not I drop you from the fire team. Must have mics. Send a message to Jerramster or Fat Sonic Kid on Xbox 1 for the invite. DO NOT MESSAGE ME ON THE FORUMS FOR INVITES !
Crota hard Crota checkpoint mesedge for inv
34 warlock need fresh hard invite me gamertag above
Need 2 for crota hard gt same
Need 1 sword bearer at Crota message pikachusenpi
Edited by ATHEIST GUMSHOE: 8/23/2015 10:12:00 PMNeed sword runner for Crota cp hard. Gt same as above
Two looking for fresh Croata hard run Message me in interested GT: AnlDrule19 Lvl 34 Titan
Looking for 3 for Crota hard Cp. gt same as above
Edited by ATHEIST GUMSHOE: 8/23/2015 10:13:51 PMNeed sword runner for Crota CP.
Edited by SaltyMondo: 8/23/2015 10:02:31 PM34 Titan maxed weapons (Gjallarhorn, Red Death, Ice Breaker etc) & mic looking for Crota Hard checkpoint. Inbox SaltyFingas69 for invite.
Need 5 for hard fresh msg shippy89