279 hunter would love that sniper rifle. Have consistently to the boss with 4-5 minutes left just need help getting over the hump. Message/invite towerwrath.
Need 2 for the mission.
Lvl 300 Titan looking for black spindle
295 hunter with nightstalker subclass maxed LF group for Black Spindle!! GT: Lethal707
297 Hunter looking for team 295+ only if you're serious about this I want to get this done. Send inv GT same Black spindle side quest only
Hunter 289, Killed boss just ran out of time. Msg me GT Mr 12 Iches
I need help getting the black spindle I'm A 294 hunter looking to get it done almost got it done my gt is xZ0Mb1ESL4Y3Rlx please send message and invite on Xbox one
Need one for message No ApplauseS both 290+
Looking for a good team to complete the black splindle mission I have trued many times but haven't don't it yet I need serious help u must 300 light plus I need help message gt above for invite
2 level 290 guardians, looking for 1 more for daily heroic message gamer tag above
293 hunter looking for a team of serious players to get this done message Jmane1025 must no what your doing
Looking for one for Black Spindle- must be 290+ higher the better. Warlock or Titan preferred. Ready to go right now on Xbox one I ShockStruck I message me on there.
Edited by ClutchChiefa710: 9/24/2015 5:58:20 AM297 warlock 292 Titan need 1 must be 290+
Looking for a good team to complete the black splindle mission I have trued many times but haven't don't it yet I need serious help u must 300 light plus I need help message gt above for invite
Anyone willing to help a 265 Hunter try for the Black Spindle? Invite GT above.
Need one more gt same as above
Need 1 for weekly mission must be 290+ light message me for invite
270 warlock seeking invite for spindle
Need one more 290+ Message GT: snap7
Need 1 to get new black hammer I'm 294 light Lookin for 290+ to do it msg for invt gt same as above or invt me
Need one 290+ preferably Titan Message GT: snap7
296 warlock needs 290+ titan for exotic sniper. Message conebones17
Edited by JD0600: 9/24/2015 5:32:59 AMLight 300 and 299 looking to run the daily exotic. You need to be light 290+ GT ixdavis06xi
Need 1 more for heroic mission were 295 warlock and 293 Hunter Gt ooh itz Tim
Need 2 for daily msg purest illusion
290 warlock, Inv me for exotic sniper mission. Mast3rch3lf