Lvl 34 titan need a fresh run invite gt: Extinct Cuz
Looking for 5 34's to complete VOG HARD Have max Gjallarhorn. Message on XBL 4 Invite
Lvl 34 titan need a fresh run invite gt: Extinct Cuz
Need 5 for fresh VOG on hard, gt Same as above
Need 5 for oracles cp hard msg for an invite (GT Just Carts x)
Need 5 for oracles cp hard msg for an invite (GT Just Carts x)
34 hunter for Hard VOG. Message or invite me
i can run anything you name it (HARD/ NORMAL) ( VoG / Crota ) PoE = 35_34_35 Prefer not to play but IDC Grind xp # lvl gun armor ETC Crucible i prefer you msg me console i can carry on anything you can msg me if i missed anything my GT is same Xbone
have oracles cp. message me for inv. gt same as above
Looking for anyone past confuxes and oracles, and are fighting the Templar or farther. I have two level 34's with maxed gallys, gt the same, invite mee
34 Hunter lookingn for atheon cp, invite Deniableboss40
[]Looking for 3 34s to do vog hard Templar
Lvl 34 titan need a fresh run invite gt: Extinct Cuz
Need 4 for fresh vog hard msg me for invite gt same as above
Need 2 for fresh hard VOG message vDaaniel xD for invite
Level 33 Hunter and 31 warlock looking to do a run on hard. Message Verbiski
Need 2 for vog hard templar cp
34 Hunter with max ghorn and Fatebringer looking for fresh start on hard VOG. Send invite to PunkassNerd
Need 3 more for a fresh run gt asabove
Need 3 at oracles
[]Looking for 3 34s to do vog hard Templar
34 Hunter looking for a fresh start. gt is PunkassNerd
34 Titan with Templar cp, message DAI028 for an invite
Need 5 for fresh HARD VOG Must have Experience No Assholes Message UndeadBloodSaw for Inv
Need 5 for fresh HARD VOG Must have Experience No Assholes Message UndeadBloodSaw for Inv
VoG hard fresh start need 1