Need two for fresh run. Hard mode. Message gt above.
302 Hunter looking for any part of the Raid. Atheon cp preferred but willing to do from any cp or fresh.
Looking to do vog any cp please invite, gt:shootersMNK
Lf atheon cp 304 hunter Gt as above
Edited by CatDaddy: 10/29/2015 5:14:29 AMVoG Never done before 312 warlock Mic✔️ XboxOne GT:CBBx504 Invite me
Need 1 more for King's Fall Hard Mode raid Oryx cp. Must have 308+ light. Gt same as above.
298 warlock lf group. GT Murcenary
Looking to do vog any cp please invite, gt:shootersMNK
Looking for Atheon CP, I'm a Lvl 311 Warlock, please invite me if you're at the Atheon or Gatekeeper CP, my GT: NotEvenJauuuwn
Need 2 players for VOG with experience message me on the Xbox The B Legacy
looking for 5 at sisters hard taken King raid 305+ must be experienced and ran raid before I've touch of malice also..message gt for invite no mic but I've ran so many times so know what to do
Need 5 for fresh if u have an Raytheon co that's fine gt TheGoldenWolf86
Need 3 for vog fresh 310 hunter Message same as above
Looking for Atheon CP normal or hard. 311 Titan. I can run relic. Message or invite. Gt same as name.
looking for atheon cp hunter 293 light gt Dewaaaaar
LF vog any cp plz invite devastatorbear
309 hunter for atheon cp GT same as name
Experienced Titan using old weapons for nostalgia Gt same as above
Have 2 Very experienced looking for Atheon CP message in game J S Rocker
Have atheon cp message: sick x hopps
Looking for atheon to get my gun invite plz
Doing Hard Mode Oryx CP WE ARE DOING THE 5% HEALTH OGRE CHEESE If you do not know what to do DONT message me 310+ Lets Kill Him Already!!!
313 hunter looking for any CP GT as above
Need 5 for a fresh run message GT: same above for an invite
307 Titan looking for atheon cp. Have run raid tons of times, can run relic if needed. Xbox message aleanderxoo to invite. (No time to explain)
Need 5 for fresh VOG run. Message on Xbox for invite. GT: vanilaghorila