[b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] [b][u]ORYX CHALLENGE CHECKPOINT[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ [b][u]IHAIRID IMOIDE[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ Looking for 5 318+ [i]light[/i] who: •[b][u]Can comprehend how to rotate plates by being permanently designated as #1,2, and 3 jumper instead of permanent plates[/u][/b] •[b]knows how to run all strats[/b] •have beat hard raid 20+ times •touch of malice •working mic and use it •21+ years old ------------------------------------------ Msg [b]RUSTEDEMBRACE[/b](319 HUNTER/319 WARLOCK/319 TITAN) On [b][u]XBOX ONE[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------ [b][u]Please include your class/[i]light[/i] level[/u][/b] ------------------------------------------
need 3 for fresh crota raid. msg on xb1
Need 5 oryx cp 310+ msg BlackBalzonya for an invite
Need 4 for crota hard raid. Just for fun, prob do VoG after if anyone's interested. Msg Gary5000tm for invite or drop tag below.
317 Titan with oryx hard cp looking to do challenge msg with light lvl and class for inv
Need five for regular Crota msg me
316 titan lookin to do CE on hard gt same
Crota's on easy. Totems cp. need 3.
need at least 3 ppl for crota flawless msg HashtagVapeLife for inv
Lfm for Crotas end HM. On Deathsinger cp now. Msg gt above for inv
Running Crotas End normal fresh. I've been playing Destiny since Day 1 but want to run my friend through his first raid. Need 4 including a sword bearer.
Need one for crota cp message GT above for inv
Need 4 King fall oryx hard 315+ Gt same
317 titan lookin for crota team plz invite same GT as above
Need 4 fresh run message mootd12
Looking for crota 319 hunter Gt same as above
Need 3 for crotas end, msg rappare2
Final boss kings fall raid need 3 300+ HeXx RiDeXx
318 hunter looking for crota raid. Message LdemoniczeusL
Building team for crota message ferrante240 for invite Xbox one
Need sword runner for crota
Need 1 sword barrier for hard crota cp
Need 4 crotas end hard
318 Titan looking to join 315+ team 4 HARD raid and CHALLENGE. Send invite to GT above.
320 Warlock looking for HARD MODE GOLGOROTH (challenge mode) and on. NO FAIL GROUPS. Message xxGRIFFCORExx on Xbox One.
Need 4, Fresh Run, Crota's End, gt above