Titan, xb1, spindle run
I'm a 317 warlock I already have spindle but I feel like doing it so people can also get the spindle gt same as above
315 hunter invite me for black spindle quest. gt: just blaze 170
Need 1 totems hard mode
Need 2 for daily heroic black spindle Msg me for invite
Need 1 for black spindle, msg gt above for inv
314 Titan gt same as above
Looking for one more 316+ to run this and get black spindle. Helping my brother do so, he's new and a low level so we will be carrying him through. I'm a 316 titan. Message me for invite on xbox one! Thanks!
317 warlock , send inv please
Black spindle mission 305+ sleeper stimulant-raze lighter gt LL LAWS0N LL
319 lock need 1 for spindle, message for invite...
Need 2 for spindle. Titan with bubble and exotic sword. Gt same as above msg me before invite
Need 2 experienced for black spindle.message "Prolix V2" for invite
Need one for black spindle run, a Titan would be good msg me T IR I G G A x
Light 300 titan exotic sword need two no mic but i can here u 300+ GT THEDEVILKEEPER
319 titan with 320 sword for spindle run.inv supadupaharro
Xbox one, need 1 message hairynugg3ts uk
Looking to get black spindle on my friends account. Gt Occultbadboy. Send an invite.
need 1 for a run. would prefer a defender titan with exotic sword
319 lock need 1 for spindle, message for invite...
313Hunter with Exotic sword GT: Padre 119
319 titan with 320 exotic sword. Inv supadupaharro
Would appreciate some help here on my second profile with a weekly or daily heroic. Gamrtag is the same.
Looking for 2. Exotic swords please.1 titan would be nice but not required. Xbl message above
Need 2 message redhairydankbud for inv