At crota cp need two more sword bearer preferably
Looking to do a fresh raid level 34 warlock gt: xRossTHFC
At crota cp need 4 must be experienced maxed gally and need someone who can swordbear, message gt above for an invite, do not send me a message on here...
34 hunter looking for any cp Gt: TheNATOPOTATO
Need two more fresh crota hard gt above
34 titan looking for team at any checkpoint
2 34s for fresh run gt tabuscus94
Crota fresh run on hard Need 4 people experienced plz Message me Johnnnnnnnie with 7n's for invite
34 hunter max gally send invite to Dwade117
Swordbearer lookin for crota cp, send me inv. GT: izveli
Need 3 for crota hard Msg for inv Gt same as above
Need 1 more for crota hard GT is the same. Msg for inv
need 3 for crota hard fresh start send solidGERMAN a message for an invite
Message me if you have a cp past bridge. 34 warlock with gally
34 titan for fresh hard crota
SteveDude92 Crota normal 34 hunter
need 5 more for Croat hard CP message DefunctEel12 for invite
I don't care that this is a crota thread, I just want two other people for the xyor the unwed strike for the thorn, that's it,. GT same as above
Need a sb and 2 others @crota Gt: i iexalted i
Need 2 for fresh Crota raid hard!! Message me!
Need 3 for fresh run
34 hunter max gear and gally and 33 warlock looking for crota hard
Need swordbearer at crota cp hard gt same as above
Need 2 at crota on hard Gt py5cho 5partan
Lvl 34 Titan max everything plus gally I'm also experienced Inv TMG Pigeon
Need 3 for death singer cp need 1 to be sword bearer msg gt MedicalArc565