Crota hard at boss need sword bearer. Msg me gt same as above
Edited by SillyWhiteBoy69: 8/20/2015 6:25:43 PMLookin to do the raid 34 lock maxed gh
Lv34 Hunter, Max everything and can swordbear. Gt same as above invite.
Edited by Ace P10: 8/20/2015 6:16:19 PMNeed 3 hard crota fresh max gjally
I'm looking for fresh start Crota hard to join . Send invite to Sowat25
Need 5 for fresh run on Crota hard, message on Xbox for invite! Or send invite!!
Need 2 more players for Crota Hard Xbox one message SpruceDust for an invite... I'm a 34 Titan I could run sword but since I'm on my Titan I'd prefer an experienced hunter to run it, its just a lot easier!
Need 3 people and one good swordbearer Death singer checkpoint hard difficulty Message CRAZYMONKEY395 Comment swordbearer if you are a good swordbearer and comment invite if you are not
Need 2 more for Crota hard Gt Kizzaden03 Have experience Also need swordbearer 33 striker-defender 33 gunslinger
Need 5 more players for Crota Hard Xbox one message SpruceDust for an invite... I'm a 34 Titan I could run sword but since I'm on my Titan I'd prefer an experienced hunter to run it, its just a lot easier!
Edited by WalkinDude87: 8/20/2015 6:17:07 PM34 Titan look for fresh. Inv gt walkindude87
Need 3 people for crota
Need 4 for 33 Crota cp. message gt above
Need 5 more players for Crota Hard Xbox one message SpruceDust for an invite... I'm a 34 Titan I could run sword but since I'm on my Titan I'd prefer an experienced hunter to run it, its just a lot easier!
Need 4 for hard Crota msg King squid 18 for inv
NEED 5 FOR HARD CROTA. CROTA CP GT- OriginalZcor I am a sword bearer
Hard Crota cp, need 5, message gt above
Need 1 for Crota hard cp, message for invite
Need one more fresh crota. Warlock or titan please
Need 1 for hard crota need titan Gt RIOT HDX
Edited by MaarcG: 8/20/2015 6:01:41 PM34 warlock got maxed weapons invite MaarcG looking for fresh run
Dublins OG 31 hunter Max gally and vision Crota either mode
Need 5 more people for fresh run. Send message for invite. I'm a lv 34 warlock with max Gjallahorn
Looking for team I'm lvl 34 Striker experienced
Need 5 for hard Crota fresh run gt same as above
Looking for Croata cp I'm a 34 hunter swordbearer gt same above