BLACK SPINDLE XBOX ONE BE 300+ light level. Have a sniper. Message me on XBL 4 invite
Level 298 light looking for a team invite me on Xbox one Keckk
Lvl 40 280 hunter can handle own need 1
Warlock light 299, looking for people to do this with, gt same as above
Warlock 270 light looking for a team For daily, message for invite or invite me - edoubleONE
Need one more for daily exotic sniper mission. Titan lvl 40: 295 light Hunter lvl 40: 294 light
Warlock 40 Light 278 GT The Gingerham
290 hunter, looking for a group, already did this so i know what to do, no mic tho, inv me
Need 2 titans with Weapons of light for heroic mission on xbox one. Must be 285 or higher GT: JairedStar
Need two over 300 light plus raid weapons for the bonus damage to taken enemies please... Message lll THEB0SS lll Lowercase L's and zero
Need one 290+ with experience for the daily to do the special quest. Message me for inv. Gt:EHamilton1
Need 1 299+ Titan Defender. Know what your doing. Msg DiGiTAL V1RUS for invite
Need one 297+ for daily sniper not stopping till completed message stalliban
Hunter 286 light looking to do daily. pls send invite.
Need a Titan and warlock 290+ to do special daily mission to get exotic sniper msg me in game for inv. Gt is same as above
need 1 295+
Need 2 people to try and get black spindle I don't have mic but I know what to do message for inv
Need a Titan and warlock 290+ to do special daily mission to get exotic sniper msg me in game for inv. Gt is same as above
Trying to get black spindle need one more message for inv
Edited by God Damit Ryan: 9/23/2015 6:33:25 PMOk listen I need 2 people who are above 300. Now if you are light 299 I don't care. This mission is so hard you need to be a high level. Now message me if you know what you are doing and must 300 or above.
Looking for 2 people to do the black spindle mission. Msg me to play. GT: MyTXx Flumpi
Lvl 293 Titan looking for a nightstalker hunter for special mission. Plz have a mic and be 290+
Xbox one gt jellybeanmm need more people already doing daily for the black spindle must have beaten it before so we can cruise thru it
Need one for the special mission. Please be 290+ light with a good sniper preferably. Message rawrbie on xb1 for an invite
Edited by Uncalmed Bush: 9/23/2015 6:09:15 PMLooking for 2 more to get the black spindle must be 295+ light in 299 let's run trough this quickly message Uncalmed Bush on Xbox
Need 2, on the Ketch and timer hasn't triggered yet message for invite be 280+