Need a group for crota hard this gt
Crota cp message for invite. Gt above
#1 sword bearer Looking for Crota checkpoint very quick kill. Invite get as above
Lvl 34 Titan looking for Crota match, invite BUCH NASTY will help on any cp
Need team for crota hard raid
Need one for death singer message gt above
Need 4 for crota hard, crota cp.
Need one for fresh crota hard message for invite
GT: Same Lf: Crota cp Warlock lv.34
Croat cp hard, need 5 Msg if you know what your doing
Need 3 for hard fresh run Msg Tilt Rezi
Crota cp hard, need 5 including swordbearer, have a mic or be able to hear, msg gt above for inv
Need 3 for fresh run on crota hard gt you just k1lled
starting up crota fresh normal...send me inv if u want in
33 hunter hard Crota cp need a team message MettaRVB for invite
level 34 hunter looking for fresh or bridge. GT: and salty
Need 2 for crota cp hard mode
Hosting Crota hard must be lvl 33 or 34, gt same as above message me for invite :)
34 warlock looking for fresh run. Message grindyfan4988
Need 5 for fresh start send message for inv gt: same as above
Need 5 for fresh run crota hard msg for invite gt above
Need 5 for deathsinger cp on hard. I will swordbear. Msg for inv.
Im fighting crota I need 4 people msg gamertag above for invite
Need a sword bearer for crota checkpoint
Need 3 more for crota hard msg: acerman20
Edited by EARLY LIFE OF Q: 8/19/2015 4:34:54 PMNeed 3 more for Crota cp hard Message for invite