Need 2, on the Ketch and timer hasn't triggered yet message for invite be 280+
Need 1 Titan msg cheap milkshake for invite
300 light hunter that needs to complete the level 40 undying mind strike for Eris mourn to continue exotic scout rifle quest if anyone needs to do it or would like to help a brotha out send me an invite, gamertag is: Rion tC Message me for invite
Need 2 that are 290+. Preferably Titans. Message for inv. Gt same as name. Doing the exotic sniper part. Mics required.
291 looking for black spindle group. Gamertag same as above
Need 1 290 plus message Hairy Piccolo for invite must be able to deal damage
Need two for exotic mission. Need to be 285+ bring your best stuff! Message Gt above for invite! Xbox one only! :D
Need 1 for exptic sniper. Gt same as above
Need 2 for Daily Heroic Mission to get exotic. MUST BE LIGHT 290+ GT: JairedStar Msg me on xbox for invite
Looking for team to join CrispyxDefile 295 light
Need 1 send ingame mssg to viiegend hert for exotic sniper
I'm on the weekly heroic strike, 5th in a row and don't want to lose my bonus. Both guys left right away leaving me to solo the strike (Taniks) on my own from the beginning. I'm 280 and need 2 more to help me finish this one strike. Count Payne I've been in this game for 25 mins and destiny hasn't sent any other players... Please! Even just one person!
Need 2 for daily heroic to get the exotic sniper black spindle gt wolfamongpigs
Wanna do daily, invite me or message for invite Gamercard = edoubleONE
295 Titan, looking to do daily story for exotic sniper. Gt: kalm9, send an invite.
Light 300 hunter Full weps Exotic sniper part Gt ravenrek
Need 2 for Daily Heroic. Add & join. Xbox: FozzieBurr
On the boss need 1 more ...
Invite xnightyx
Need to do 6 heroic strikes we are at the boss of the first need 1 more....GT bigboycb
I'm on the weekly heroic strike, 5th in a row and don't want to lose my bonus. Both guys left right away leaving me to solo the strike (Taniks) on my own from the beginning. I'm 280 and need 2 more to help me finish this one strike. Please help!! Count Payne
Need 2 for the exotic sniper must know what to do
Im at the end of daily heroic need 2 Message for invite - edoubleONE
Need one for daily exotic sniper
290 titan defender looking for a group, i know what i am doing
Edited by Soaw: 9/23/2015 5:43:52 PM(Xbox one) GT - Soaw Warlock 295 light Send a msg if you want to join.