Looking for Crota Hard 34 Titan max gally Xbox one VECST3R
Wanna join fresh run crota hard Msg EEnslayed
Need 1 for crota hard fresh
Celts hard fresh, need 5! I can sword, msg me on xbox one.
Need 4 for crota hard fresh gt same
Need for 4 for fresh corta hard Message Kom Ryan
Need 3 for Crota hard fresh
At deathsinger need 5 message gt: merlin jono for invite
34 Hunter max galley looking for fresh run gt above
Lvl 34 hunter with max gally need 3 for crota hard gt: bennyBXblanco
Need 3 more for hard Crota cp. msg for invite
-Lvl.34 Titan [DEFENDER] (Experienced player, I've done Crota many times. If you don't want to invite because I don't have a mic that's cool.) Looking for a fireteam to complete [CROTA'S END] - [HARD] - [FRESH] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE] -Mic's broken, but I can still hear hear you
-Lvl.34 Titan [DEFENDER] (Experienced player, I've done Crota many times. If you don't want to invite because I don't have a mic that's cool.) Looking for a fireteam to complete [CROTA'S END] - [HARD] - [FRESH] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE] -Mic's broken, but I can still hear hear you
34 titan with gjally looking for team doing Fresh on hard, inv to this GT
-Lvl.34 Titan [DEFENDER] Looking for a fireteam to complete [CROTA'S END] - [HARD] - [FRESH] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE] -Mic's broken
Lvl 34 hunter with max gally need 4 for crota hard gt: bennyBXblanco
Lvl 34 titan with max gally looking for fresh crota run ad likmydot
Lvl 34 titan with max gally looking for fresh crota run ad likmydot
Lvl 34 titan with max gally looking for fresh crota run ad likmydot
Lvl 34 titan looking for fresh crota run ad likmydot
Need 2 for crota hard
Edited by illestADRiAN: 8/19/2015 9:17:05 AMNeed 1 for Fresh Crota's End [HARD MODE] GT same as above
Need 3 for Crota Hard message Animus Project for inv
Need 3 for fresh run on hard. Gt same . 1 sword bearer pls
need swordbearer for crota cp on hard gt same as above
Need 3 including a swordbearer, msg me for invite gt same as above