40 Hunter / 285 light LF Fireteam
Lfg 270 huntter
Doing the daily. Mssg me for an inv my gt is ARod 3d 290 titan
Need 1 more for heroic strike , send a msg to gt thelefthairynut
already doing heroic daily mission. message my gt for an invite
Need one more for heroic weekly and Nightfall! Message The Beez Elbows for invite.
Need 2 for the daily msg for invite Gt same as above
This isn't the right forum, I need help with the fears embrace mission can't beat the boss I'm 293 and it's pretty hard. Anyone want to lend me a hand would be awesome. Same Gt msg for invite thanks
286 titan looking for two more to do the daily fast
Looking for daily level 294 warlock I am msg me gt darcrios
Need two for daily. Gt: itlcerts Message or comment for invite
Daily already halfway done msg for inv, gt is the same
Need 2 for daily heroic. Dutchrudderhwb
At the end of daily heroic story. If you want 15 free legendary marks. Msg me on xbox fast. Gt same as name
Need 2 for daily heroic. Dutchrudderhwb
269 hunter need to do daily heroic send inv
293 warlock looking for daily heroic
Need 2 for daily. 243 lock
Edited by spect22: 9/22/2015 3:47:02 AM284 lock lfg message for invite
Need 2 for daily GT is same as above 299 warlock
Looking for 2 to do the daily. GT same as above.
I'm at the boss for the strike need 2 above 280 light message for inv
Need 2 for daily already started. Message lunatic707 for inv
Anyone trying to do daily
Need two for a quick daily. Hit me up Gt: bertxmcgirt
Looking for fresh raid start. Invite me to existing group or send message for invite.