Need 3 people for fresh normal raid.Message me gt same as above
Need 3 for vog msg for inv
Titan needing to kill Atheon for quest. Can run the whole thing if needed. And inv. GT is same as above
317 Titan need to kill atheon for quest will run full raid if needed message LG Luckster
Need three for fresh run normal
Edited by Desert Fox (Timelost): 2/2/2016 10:40:15 PMFresh run hard vog need 4 Msg Captain Hunt 91 Got a mic 307 light Titan
Needing three for fresh hard run. Don't be retarded. Message if interested. GT: xIDr SKILLAGEIx or The Apocalypse2
Looking to do fresh run on hard gt same as above Msg me for inv I have a friend
Need 4 for fresh run on hard Gt same as above
Message for Inv
Need 4 to quickly run through VoG for the eye GT is username message for invite
Need 4 for fresh
Looking to start fresh vog I'm 317 warlock with mic
Invite me for vog i got conflex cp GT SorestCargo9947
Need 4 for vault normal
Need 4 for vog fresh run trying to do it for real
Normal fresh VoG trying to get the Atheon part done for No Time To Explain Need 2 or 3 more :)
Looking for five for a fresh run on the vault gt same as above Xbox one
3 for fresh vog
Fresh vog need 4
290 Hunter looking to get picked up for vog. GT: Temptz Chaparro
Vog un lvl 34 invite me GT : SorestCargo9947
Anyone down for some VoG on normal? Working on"Not Forged in Light" Quest and have someone who hasn't done the raid. At oracles cp. Gt same as username.
Need two more for Normal VOG for quick run. For No Time to explain quest. XBOX 1. Message me for invite
Vog un lvl 34 invite me GT : SorestCargo9947
Helping people get flawless! If you want to go flawless just swing by my stream www.twitch.tv/holmesssy message me in the chat and we will get you in! Also if you are awesome hit that follow button to help me out!:) www.Twitch.tv/holmesssy