Looking for more for kings fall raid 300+ light Fresh Gt: THOR4675 Experienced Message light and class
Doing free trial carries!!! To get in just come toon in at https://www.twitch.tv/Niiftiest to go flawless!, All thats needed to win is to follow. Were starting the raffle in 5 minutes, come quick!
Need 4 for sisters cp. Please be experience and over 295 light. NO KIDS. Msg SnowyBeast6565 for an invite.
Fresh run! Experienced players only please. Finally running on my third account. I'm very experienced so please no bullshit. Message SebsteRR.
Need 1 for sisters, msg for inv, gt same
Need 1 for sisters, msg for inv, gt same
Need 3 for fresh run normal.
Need one that knows what there doing at oryx cp doing challenge gt same as above
Fresh Sherpa Need one more x2k lbsx Msg on console for inv
Need 1 for Gol message for inv
Need 2 for fresh run must be 300+ msg for invite
319 hunter looking to help out any group at any part. I've already done the raid + challenge. Inv oxbowbeast8086
Need 5 for fresh GT: razor eagle 000
Lf normal fresh or totems Just looking to help out 319 Titan Xbox one Mic
Need 5 for fresh raid Gt is razor eagle 000
Need 1 for oryx cp doing challenge gt same as, normal raid
Need 2 for oryx cp - challenge - normal - must be experienced.
Need 5 for oryx cp doing challenge gt same as, normal raid
Teaching low levels how to run raid msg on 1. THIS MUST BE YOUR FIRSR KF RAID TO JOIN.
Need 4 for Oryx cp Gt: GREEK 07
319 warlock helping some guys through the normal raid. Msg for an invite if u want some help
Edited by whitebrotherr: 3/12/2016 4:49:23 PMTITAN 292 light for normal raid anyone? No mic but i know what to do. gt same cheers
Looking for raid, prefer cp but will do fresh, plz no noobs Gt same 300 titan
Need 1 for oryx challenge Msg asKenetic Must be experienced
Need 2 for oryx cp Plz be patient walking some new people
Need 4 for normal fresh raid 319 Titan looking to do normal raid Trying to help out a friend who is 260 & new Would love some help Msg same tag as above