298 nightstalker looking for a run
Looking to join a team to get black spindle. 304 hunter. RAPx816
Need One or Two for Nightfall. May do three times if needed by you message 4 invite
Looking to join a team to get black spindle. 304 hunter. RAPx816
306 hunter lf group to get black spindle. Msg or inv gt above.
307 warlock looking for group for spindle, completed before on titan. GT same as above
Looking for help to do Daily Heroic Black Spindle. Need to join up with 2 GT. Budakai96
Looking to join a team to get black spindle. 304 hunter. RAPx816
Need two titians with touch of malice and blessings same name as above
306 Hunter with bolt caster. Xbox 1 Same gt as above. Invite to party!
319 looking to help some people with Black Spindle Msg. Anii73
Looking to help some folks out. I'm at the portal and need 2 send msg for inv
Need 1 for black spindle mission
318 warlock Need help getting black spindle. Message Mr MANofST33L
315 warlock looking to get spindle Gt same as above
Edited by Bandit_Blue_Heeler: 1/22/2016 2:32:23 PMLooking for spindle add Deepsix0069 Light level 289 my first spindle on this account But I know what to do
Edited by TheInquisitor66: 1/22/2016 2:27:47 PMNeed one more for daily black spindle 310 and 319
317 titan for nf Invite El Chiefo Rollo
319 Titan Willing to help ( going after ship) Already have spindle so have exp Inv on XBONE only GT same as above
Need one more 310+ @the beginning of the side area for BS. Message GunBarr3L for invite.
316 Titan looking to do black spindle mission GT Scarface48 invite me if you are down for it
Need 2 for daily must know how to get black spindle 313+
Edited by El Chiefo Rollo: 1/22/2016 1:23:21 PM317 titan invite for spindle Gt El Chiefo Rollo
Need 2 for the black spindle daily gt same as above
315 Titan is looking for two more for BS. Be experienced and 310+. Message me on XboxOne. Gt same as above.
I am helping people for black spindle just invited me to it Xbox one Gt^