Need 2 for fresh run. Gt above
Looking for team to do fresh hard run. Lvl34 warlock. Can do anything needed.
2 level 34's looking for quick VOG Run 2 G-horns Experienced Invite Space Houdini Or msg for inv.
Lfg hard fresh vog lvl 34 gt is name..
Need 1 for fresh message Big Rig BR for invite
34 titan looking to do vog hard gt bluefalconghost
Running VOG hard fresh. Will kick if you are bad. Message Cardinals240 for invite
Need 4 for fresh message Big Rig BR for invite
2 ppl max gjally lfg Templar cp very experienced and working mic inv Xbox one gt:itsskieran
34 Titan pls send invite
Level 34 Max everything Invite: Open Menu
Looking for vog Atheon CP on my 32 Hunter I have max gally and max red death! Please know what you're doing invite "Chipotle Napkin"
Lf hard atheon or gatekeeper cp. Inv PxG SpartanX
Level 34 Max everything Invite: Open Menu
Need 5 at Templar oracle checkpoint
At atheon cp. need 1 msg Melchizy
34 and 2 32s looking for 3 guardians who have little to no experience in vog for vog hard message me on Xbox one
Atheon cp Gt Versace coins
Lv 34 titan looking for 5 to do hard vog fresh run plz be lv 33 or above:)
Lvl 33 warlock looking to join fresh run on hard Gt same as above.
Lv 34 titan looking for 5 to do hard vog fresh run plz be lv 33 or above:)
Need 5 for Oracle Cp hard msg warthog1008 for invite
Need 2 for VOG Hard join my party Bricklake
Have gatekeeper cp. need 5. Message for invite
Need 4 34's for FRESH, HARD VOG. Message aleanderxoo for invite. Must know what you are doing, and have working mic.
34 warlock with max weapons