Need 2 for daily hmu Demali420
Need 1 for daily heroic
Need 2 for daily heroic. GT same
Lf 2 for heroic msg gt above for inv
Edited by SweetPickBro: 9/19/2015 6:36:20 AMNeed two for daily light lvl 240 Gt Thykinghasrisen
Need 2 for fresh daily msg shippy89
268 Titan lfg daily heroic Inv gt and as above
I Need help with daily. 245 titian Gt toetags88
Level 40 Light 243 Titan Trying to do this daily heroic. Invite me
Lf daily heroic. Message me or invite pls
Need two for daily
Need firearm for daily heroic story Gamertag: SebastieNation message me for invite
Send massage for invite looking for 2
Need to run a daily anyone down send msg to gt above
Running reciprocal runes right now anybody want to join my gt is DavidRR22 I need to run a stolen rune and the next lvl above that rune as well I'm light lvl 278
Running reciprocal runes right now anybody want to join my gt is DavidRR22 I need to run a stolen rune and the next lvl above that rune as well I'm light lvl 278
Lf daily. Light 283. In game invite gt- xt3n
241 Titan message gt above
251 hunter LF daily heroic gt Entity13
236 hunter LF daily heroic gt Entity13
Lvl 285 Titan looking to help with daily story. Please invite. Sirpiteroth
270 light uunter looking for daily gt dantheman2791
Looking to do daily, 265 light, send invite to GT above please.
Need 2 for daily heroic
Need two for Nightfall msg hecticrejectz
At the end of the daily would like some help. Gt same as above. Msg for invite