Looking for fresh hard vog Invite Damone666
Looking for 3 players to do VOG on hard. Atheon checkpoint.
Vog on hard fresh 5 spotz open MSG in game
34 Titan, maxed weapons I can run relic Invite only for fresh run Invite: SquishyYum
34 Hunter for vog hard ne thing before templar cp send invite max gally
Need 4 for VOG hard. At conflux cp. Lvl 33+ preferred. Msg GT above on Xbox1
Need one for oracles hard. Message me
32 looking to join GT same as above
VoG Fresh run Hard message for invite Gamer tag same as above
Level 34 warlock looking for fresh raid done it plenty of times before OpticalPr0diqy
Got Atheon cp and gorgon on other 2 characters. Need 5 to run through with all characters. (From Atheon on one of them and gorgon on other 2) gt is name
Need 3 gatekeeper msg for inv gt same as above
34 Titan max gally looking to join a fresh raid. Send an invite to skawtyG420
Level 34 hunter looking to join someone doing VOG hard at any stage. I am very experienced and know how to use relic. Gt same as above
need 2 for vog hard check point gate keeper maze msg hijackrs for inv
Fresh run hard preferably 34s message getxmurked
Need two for oracle cp GT is same as above
Fresh run message me on xbox
Need 4 for VoG normal&hard GT: oneeyegod95
Level 34 warlock with max gally looking for VOG hard fresh, gt same as above
Need 3 hard vog And a sword bearer Msg wolfsbane1452
Fresh run on VOG hard, message for invite. Please have mic and experience, need 1 more. Message for invite, gt: jkHitstick1175
Gorgon Cp on hard Tag same as above message for invite Please leave after getting the cp i have many people wanting it to Let me know if you need it for multiply characters
34 Warlock w/ Gatekeeper checkpoint! Need 5 34's only! Must have max weapons and be highly experienced! Message for an invite: PhilipLGeLinas
Fresh run on VOG hard, message for invite. Please have mic and experience. Message for invite, gt: jkHitstick1175
I need a skolas invite