Need 4 for gatekeeper cp GT same a above
We need 1 more for fresh hard vog.
Need 5 for fresh msg ThatPick6Tho
Lv 34 Hunter with ghally looking for 5 to do vog hard. Msg Kross castaway for invite
Looking to do fresh. Invite TonyGazel.
Edited by TheSamuraiGuy69: 8/20/2015 8:01:41 PMVog on normal at gatekeeper need 3 ppl gt same as above on Xbox one
Need 2 for atheon! Gt Ossified11
Looking for 5 to do vog on hard fresh. Gt: gameaddict320
Need 5 for VOG HARD. Message me for invite. At Atheon. Gt as above.
Need 4 for vog hard fresh msg me for invite
Hey guys, read on if interested in being in a YouTube video I had this idea to kill atheon, ONLY using Nechrocasm. Now this sounds weird but why not challenge yourself? I personally do not have atheon hard cp, but I'll credit anybody willing to help create this video. [b]Criteria to join:[/b] - Have maxed Nechrocasm - 30+ - mic - experienced with relic... Just in case - be coordinated If you wish to be a part of this message me at my GT: Jessieth Have a Hard Atheon CP if all possible and I will put the gametags of those who participated in the description of my video! Thanks for your time and I hope you take interest of this
Need 4 for vog Any class At least lvl 30 Message me on online
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp hard vog
Hey guys, read on if interested in being in a YouTube I had this idea to kill atheon, ONLY using Nechrocasm. Now this sounds weird but why not challenge yourself? I personally do not have atheon hard cp, but I'll credit anybody willing to help create this video. [b]Criteria to join:[/b] - Have maxed Nechrocasm - 30+ - mic - experienced with relic... Just in case - be coordinated If you wish to be a part of this message me at my GT: Jessieth Have a Hard Atheon CP if all possible and I will put the gametags of those who participated in the description of my video! Thanks for your time and I hope you take interest of this
Flame2k Level 34 Titan Need 2 more experienced Level 34 for Oracle CP If I dont invite you that means that youre not that experienced. I dont want to waste hours on a raid!
Need 2 for Templar cp hard vog
Looking for team I'm lvl 34 Striker experienced
Need 1 for oracles hard
Need one at atheon
Need 3, at athon!!! Send msg!!
Need 5 invite me to your party and game and I'll invite others after I join the first party I'm 34 res sun singer with galley max black hammer max and vision max gt above
Need 1 for gatekeeper
Lvl 34 titan need fresh run invite me gt: Extinct Cuz
Fresh vog hard, need 4, don't be shit, msg gt above for inv
Level 34 titan needs team for fresh run send invite to gt:saltyfawn913269
Lvl 34 titan need fresh run invite me gt: Extinct Cuz