Need swordbearer for hard crota cp
Need a swordbearer for crota cp
Need two GT above
I have a check point on crota
Need three for Crota end of raid msg me name same as gamertag
Need 3 for crota Cp Msg soap jocky
34 Hunter Swordbearer If you need a SWORDBEARER, drop me an invite. 300+ Crota kills with the sword. I'm just doing it for fun and helping others. GT: borghaUK
34 warlock looking for a fresh hard crota raid max gally invite Xxii exile iixX
34 hunter swordbearer. Looking to join Crota cp group. Normal or hard. Gt: same
Need a fresh for a fresh run message me for the invite GT same as above
Looking for Crota at last check point. Lvl 34 warlock. Invite pls. Gt: FireFighterDunk
Looking for more people for crota cp gt is ghostwarrior65
34 Hunter Swordbearer If you need a SWORDBEARER, drop me an invite. 300+ Crota kills with the sword. I'm just doing it for fun and helping others. GT: borghaUK
Level 34 Hunter with Max Gjallarhorn looking for Crota checkpoint. Invite Superior Tyler
Need 4 for fresh crota hard Msg gt above
Swordbearer helping wrong sword or fresh or whatever CP GT lilsoldierd5 . twitch.tv/lilsoldierd5
Need 3 for deathsinger normal cp message gt above for invite must have mic and be experienced
Need 3 for deathsinger normal cp message gt above for invite must have mic and be experienced
Need four for Crota hard cp. Gt same as above
Making a team for crota hard leave Gt or msg LaLoCisneros01 for invite
Need four bridge cp 32+ must have mic message NoVa TaCTiiCz for inv
Need one more for fresh Crota on hard. We still need sword bearer. Message GooeyPlains9 for invite
Need 2 at bridge cp. message gt above for inv quick run
34 titan with max gally looking for hard crota run gt poisonfrog13
Need few for crota hard boss. Mess for invite xbox. Gt. mehereonly