2 308 players looking to do fresh hard! Shit loot in normal looking to do hard. Done hard until sisters, be patient pls I've helped ppl with patient I'm looking for the same. Invite , gamer tag same as above
Lfg gt Carnage Eternal.
Looking for space in crota invite pennvoi thanks.
Welcome to crota we killed him tons of times saw tons of glitches and killed his father why not kill his son again? Hosting crota on hard crota cp message ferrante240 on Xbox one for invite
319 titan looking for a fresh run
Have 2 Looking to finish off crota for fun. Have crota cp
Looking to do Crota Raid. Have a party of 3, need at least 1 or 2 more to run through. Message me on XB1 for invite. Gt: wickedCHUBBS
Welcome to crota we killed him tons of times saw tons of glitches and killed his father why not kill his son again? Hosting crota on hard crota cp message ferrante240 on Xbox one for invite
318 lock looking to help teams, any cp Invite El Chiefo Rollo
looking to run crota on 2 characters to try to get the crux msg me for invite
319 Titan looking for hard oryx challenge invite ferrante240
Need 4 for VOG Xbox 1 Gt JTin2112
Need 1 at Totems HARD run gt same
UnbakedCarrots... I need help with crota end hard and the taken king raid easy and hard please someone with a team hmu wi with an invite
I'm a 319 hunter Need 5 for Crota hard at the bridge cp message JOS3THEPLAYA for invite
Warlock 315 Looking for fresh run or any cp for Crota hard mode. I'm still chasing a crux... :-(
Looking for any cp or full raid, gt is Carnage Eternal msg for inv
Looking for more for Crota HM xb1. At Deathsinger Check point. Msg for inv.
319 Hunter and warlock here Both looking to run CROTA'S END RAID NEED 4
Looking for 2 experienced Titans for a fresh run - 319 warlock w/ 318 TOM & 320 spindle - gt: MVPRoN22
Anyone looking to do crota?? Lvl 40 hunter 260+
[b]HARD RAID - Challenge mode[/b] [u]Oryx Checkpoint [/u] [u]must have [/u] - 315+ - Touch of malice / Black spindle - Raid experience / Oryx challenge experience - Mic - Happy thoughts Msg for inv- [b]x GriFFithS[/b] NEED [u]1[/u]
Kings Fall Normal Daughters CP Gt: SoiledHippo Msg gt for invite
Anyone trying to do this on HARD I AM 319 warlock Gt same as above
Anyone up for a Crota's End Hard? GT: BCovaWantTo23