Need 4 for a fresh hard raid Message me Kom Ryan
Looking for a sword bearer doing a hard crota Message me for an invite GT is the same as above
34 titan looking for a crota hard fresh run, Msg me for a invite.
34 titan looking for a crota hard fresh run, Msg me for a invite.
need 5 for crota hard, fresh need one sword bearer gt same as name
34 Warlock Looking to do Crota fresh. I have Crota CP too. msg StarfireUS
Need a swordbearer and 1 more at crota hard cp, msg gt above for inv
[quote]Need Titan for crota just finishing bridge[/quote]
Need three for fresh Msg boomzap for inv
Need 3 34s for crota hard fresh. No kids. Warlocks especially invited. Join CAPT RAZIEL RAZ
[quote]Need Titan for crota just finishing bridge[/quote]
Need three fresh Mag boomzap for inv
Need 5 for Croat cp hard and sb Gt same as name
34 titan looking for a crota hard fresh run, Msg me for a invite.
Looking for crota run Lvl 34 with Max gally Invite fearless LCW
Edited by Silent™: 8/4/2015 8:01:12 PMNeed 5 for fresh msg me if you want to join need sword bearer also
Need 4 for Crota on hard got Crota cp I'm running sword just need people that know what there doing message me : Danoxide
Need 1 34 with GALLY for fresh crota hard Gt: define scrib
34 titan looking for a crota hard fresh run, Msg me for a invite.
34 Hunter for fresh hard crota,GT is the same
Have sword hard fresh need locks and titans w ghorn Msg titan drop
Willing to do crota hard Gamertag: AVERYtimewolf Invite Me
Need 3 message: vorpal sightz
Crota cp hard swordbearer need mag for inv
Carrying low level people through Crota normal and hard mode I solo crota very easily u do jit need to be good Gt Clint0nst0thard Please be able to listen as the last group could not. Starting fresh on both. Mics are all u need.