Need 5 for fresh run gt tryagain1300
330 warlock looking for team for fresh or totems. Gt as above, send invite. Lots of exp
Oyrx hard message DAJ0K3R757 for inv
334 Hunter looking for FRESH. Inv
Oryx message DAJ0K3R757 for inv
Need 2 for fresh hard
Fresh run message DAJ0K3R757 for inv
Sisters cp looking for 2 320+ Msg GT: BACTERIA SOUR
Need three for fresh run. One hunter and two Titans. Msg abrahamend with light and class
2 334 warlocks doing fresh run, experienced with 335 spindle's and ToM's, challenge emblems ect. Looking for 4 320+ Msg GT: BACTERIA SOUR
need 4 more for fresh hard raid 2 titans and 2 warlocks we are doing war priest challenge +320 and no squeakers msg prairiedawg51 for inv
need 2 golgoroth hard
Need 3 for hard raid Xbox one fresh start gt same as above
Edited by UEG Saxon: 5/14/2016 5:55:11 PMI'm a warlock light level 311 looking for a kings fall hard raid warpriest gt JOHNSAXON101
Looking to do Warpriest inv me gt Geordiie 99 I'm a level 328 hunter
Need 5 for totems cp normal
Need one for golgoroth doing challenge at Oryx message me sR Quickdraw
329 lock looking for totems cp hard experienced gt same
Need one for golgoroth doing challenge preferably a titan message me at sR Quickdraw
Lf4m competent. Fresh
Need 5 oryx cp hard XB1 Msg me for inv Bubbalooch422
Need 3 for fresh hard raid MSG xTFxHershal
Inv 330 warlock War priest or totems xTFxHershal
Need 3 I'm 334 with a 328 and a 334 no sqeakers message on Xbox for inv
Need three for Orxy cp gt same as user need runner and Titan hard
Need 2 320+ titans for fresh. Message BMG Scorpion for invite.