Carrying low level people through Crota normal and hard mode I solo crota very easily u do jit need to be good Gt Clint0nst0thard Please be able to listen as the last group could not. Starting fresh on both. Mics are all u need.
34 Titan with max weapons, looking for fresh run hard mode, invite me
Edited by Mad NinjaKill3r: 8/4/2015 6:31:45 PMNeed 2 for hard crota. One has to be SB. Have a mic
Need 2 for Crota hard. GT Kurt Levi
34 titan inv
Need 4 for a fresh run on Crota hard need a Titan
Need 3 people also a sword bearer for CROTA end hard fresh run GT: same as above^^^
Lvl 34 warlock willing to help inv gt same as above
CP Crota hard. Gt Ravenman85
Starting fresh crota. Msg rip blue raven for invite
Need sword bearer needed crota cp on normal
Carrying low level people through Crota normal and hard mode Gt Clint0nst0thard Starting fresh on both. Mics are all u need.
Lvl 34 Titan, looking for fresh hard Crota party. Send invite, Prince Yakuu
need 2 for crota cp gt:Minkkz
Need 3 for crota fresh run gt you just k1lled
34 hunter swordholder gt immaturetodler
34 hunter I can swordbear. also have max ghorn inv me in game if you need help
Fresh run. Gt same as above. Message for invite.
34 titan Looking for raid Gt same as above
Need 3 for crota cp 1 must be a sword
Need people for crota hard , gamertag : spideyswaffles
34 defender Titan with max Gally, looking for Crota cp, invite me
34 hunter sword bearer looking to do crota normal fresh or checkpoint.
Need a sword bearer for Crota cp message masterzakattack for inv
lvl 34 Titan and 34 warlock. Looking for any checkpoint in Crota. Message gT same as above
34 Titan looking to do fresh run. Send invite