307 and 304 hunters looking for atheon cp
Searching For A Raid Group (VOG) -Atheon Checkpoint -Titan Light Level 304 -Have Experience -Have A Mic -GT: Fresh Clique (Invite Me)
Looking for 4 for vog to finish quest looking to run through the it message gt firefighter141
Invite ACEgrubb15
Need 4 for fresh run. 309 light. GT: camkin striike
2 300+ looking for Atheon CP only. We are doing a quest but will gladly help kill Atheon for anyone who is there. Have sleeper stimulant so it should be a breeze. Invite xXLexLuthorXx
308 Titan, very experienced in VOG
Xbox one. Two people. 307 and 309. Looking to do atheon for the quest. Invite us. Gt kaotic shots
Lf Atheon checkpoint 300+ Titan.
Looking for Atheon Cp. hunter light: 300 Gamertag same as above!!
2 300+ looking for Atheon CP only. We are doing a quest but will gladly help kill Atheon for anyone who is there. Have sleeper stimulant so it should be a breeze. Invite xXLexLuthorXx
Need five fresh vog message xGOOGSx for invite
LF Atheon check point 306 hunter invite gt: dDevils Saint
Need 4 Xbox One!! VoG Mic + Msg apar1cio or mort1z
Need 4 for fresh run lets get this No Time to Explain gt^
Fresh run vult of glass
Need 2 for vog Oracle's. MSG ME FOR INVITE bandgonetwisted
Need Atheon cp please invite I'm 309
294 hunter looking for atheon checkpoint message me or send me an invite - EG Rwby
Starting fresh hard run because honestly it'll be faster than waiting for a cp, message frost reaper 15 to get it done quick.
307 Titan been through the vault more times than I have to explain ;) send Nedo Commando an invite
308 Titan looking for arheon CP. GT: o GaTeRaDe o
294 hunter looking for atheon checkpoint message me or send me an invite - EG Rwby
Need people to start fresh. Msg ivir iblonde for invite
Need 3 for fresh start on vog normal Msg me on xbox o CallMeMaybe o
light 306 nightstalker looking for Atheon CP GT-TheKawaiiWizard