315+ hunter building team for Crota raid. Send msg on xb1 for invite, "suspected A". Any light level is fine.
Edited by Tspr1nkles: 12/25/2015 1:51:09 PM317 hunter looking for hard crota run. Invite gt Tspr1nkles
318 titian Oryx cp hard Must have experience 8 bomb strat Must be 310+ Inv Gt blazinthunder24
318 titian Oryx cp hard Must have experience 8 bomb strat Must be 310+ Inv Gt blazinthunder24
Deathsinger cp need 3 will be very fast
Running it for materials anyone's welcome Message me Gt Mr Shiggles
Nightfall runs, +300 light looking to get done fast. GT same as above
Kings fall hard oryx cp NEED TITANS must be above 310 be experienced message Toxicmetor for invite
Looking for Crota hard run 319 lock
I need three fresh run
Looking to do a fresh hard mode run inv or message me
Edited by Proelefsi: 12/23/2015 2:10:53 PMCan i get the Crota cp (hard) ,y gamertag is Kiyryite Core
Need 3 for crota hard cp Xbox 1
5 for fresh run Gamer tag same as up top
Looking to do Crotas End hard fresh looking for 5
Need 1 310+ for oryx cp. msg deuce324 for inv.
Need 4 Gamer tag same as up top
Need 4 for deathsinger Gamer tag same as up top
Looking for 4 for crota hard mode Gt:coolone2121
I'm a 316 Warlock looking for a team for Crota's End Hard. My GT is above
Need 3 for oryx (Titans top priority) Msg shift2777 for inv 313+ with ToM
need 4 for hard crota run. fresh start. gt is SteamedJenkem join party or message on Xbox for invite
Putting team together to run fresh oryx hard raid 315 or above message for invite gamertag same as name
Looking for players to hop in at oryx challenge 315 or above message for invite gamertag same as name
Need four at oryx challenge normal if you don't know what you're doing don't waste my time message me on Xbox one at THECrankyCrab
Looking for high level people that have Taken King DLC that wants to do possibly Crota and VOG hard raids just to get free glimmer and motes of light, I am a 318 max warlock and my Gamertag on Xbox one is AssassinEM, message back if interested