Need 2 more for oracles cp on HARD message Immmataylor for invite
Fresh crota hard run. Need 4 Msg fetuspunter82 looking for a swordbearer
Need people for bridge cp on hard, message me for an invite
Looking for a swordbearer for crota cp on hard. Message Impure Mexican for an invite.
Need a sword bearer for crota checkpoint on hard - gt - Danny1186
Need 4 for Crota cp. message JohnnyGraham 17 for invite
LF for sword bearer for Crota hard run.
Edited by JJ17: 8/2/2015 9:43:31 PMNeed 4 for Crota cp. message JohnnyGraham 17 for invite
At Crota cp looking for 5 people including a swordbearer Msg Mexkid32 for invite
Fresh run for Crota hard. Msg for inv. Need sword bearer.
Fresh run, need 3 on HARD! Message Jason L 94 L for an invite
Crota normal Need five Hunter 34 Gamer tag: scariestcandy56
34 hunter looking for Crota cp can run sword gt is above
Need a titan for crota cp on hard message ironjett for invite
Need 3 for fresh Crota. Message me in game for inv
At hard Crota cp need sword bearer Gt same as above
need 3 for hard Crota at Crota and a bearer gt: vengeous747 (say if you are a bearer or not in message)
Need 3 fresh gt above
Need sword bearer? I can help. Low levels and inexperienced players are welcome as long as you have the dps to down crota. (tracking rockets). Normal or hard. Fresh runs are fine. Gamer tag is same. Invite me to join your game on Xbox. [b][u][i]PLEASE HAVE 4 OR MORE PEOPLE READY TO PLAY BEFORE INVITING ME[/i][/u][/b]
34 hunter lfg have gally and more a lot of experience invite
Hard Crota cp need Sword!
Need 2 more for fresh Crota hard msg me for inv
34 warlock lf hard Crota. Gt Mavil dune
34 titan LF crota hard
Need 4 expirience player plus swordbearer crota cp gt RichBoi1021
Looking for 3 more for hard Crota fresh Gt t1mew0lf