Need 2 at warpriest. 315+ and know what you're doing. Message TannicMite7.
Need two. We're at oryx message Ebria
320 Warlock and 306 Warlock looking for totems cp Normal.. 300+ please 2 titans and 2 hunters would be great.. Message in game for invite, GT same as name..
Need one more for golgaroth be experienced
294 Hunter and 298 warlock looking for Kings Fall raid Fresh run.
294 Hunter, LF Kings fall normal run any CP, I have experience up to and including Oryx
One more for fresh normal run, msg same ft for inv
Need 5 for normal Oryx. Must know what to do. 297 Hunter. Msg me for inv gt is same as above.
309 hunter looking for sisters or oryx inv gt
Need 4 for oryx cp We are doing challenge 300+ Gt same as above
2 for raid now, 1 hunter level 300 and Titan 298 both been on raid before, currently at war priest Add TabsTeethHurt69 or Perkle88 ready now!!
312 Titan looking for raid group have tom
Need 4 for King's Fall fresh NORMAL!! 2 Titans and 2 hunters please!!
Need 5 for oryx
Looking for fresh normal run, inv same gt pls.
310 hunter for fresh raid. I have tom and blk spindle. Gt same
At golgaroth need two more be experienced
Need 2 for oryx cp. doing it on my low char but am experienced with tom and spindle. Have one 320 with me, help would be appreciated. Need 1 titan and a hunter as well. Gt str8 deep grass.
Edited by Teeny: 3/9/2016 11:27:56 PMNeed two. We're at oryx message Ebria
Looking for fresh run, inv same gt pls
310 hunter w/ malice and spindle looking for a fresh run with some chill people. I will also do oryx challenge cp as well. Msg DustyBallzac
Looking for quick fresh run, inv same gt pls
Need 2 fresh
Looking for 4 to do fresh run 300+
319 hunter looking to host a hard fresh run, 318+ and very experienced players only, message The Real Mossy so we can get this smooth and quick run done