314 Hunter Invite me: TPTG Omega
need 2 for oryx hard mode cp 310+ message for invite
Titan lvl 298 lfg for paradox ntte quest! done it before on my main acc. know the ghost locations and what to do. msg or inv gt d buckethead b
Looking to do daily "paradox" invite or message me. Gt same as above
need two for paradox NTTE mission. msg or inv gt d buckethead b
Lf 2 for nightfall msg whosyodaddy1 for inv
34 skolas message for invite
Need 1
Need 2 for nightfall. 290+ preferred. No mic needed but common sense a must. GT: s0me bLk GuY Looking to do all 3 characters
Need 2 for NF I've all ready started. Gt same as above the 0 is a o
Looking for one person to do the daily mission /black spindle hopefully . If interested msg gt XGN Chef J cheers.
Looking for two guardians daily heroic
Need 2 for nightfall message for invite GT same
Need 2 (310+) for nightfall Message ingame for invite
Need 4 more ppl to help me get these sword kills in the crucible match help me out
Looking for one person for black spindle Msg Gt if interested cheers XGN Chef
need 2, 309+ msg: Artma SODA7x
Need two for daily, in game. Send message to Whitefang1016 for inv
Looking for group to do the black spindle daily quest.
Quick daily if anyone wants to join. Gt as above.
319 hunter looking for nf
Need help on echo of orxy.
need help for spindle 310+
Looking for group
Need 2 for black spindle mission must be 310 plus. One hunter and one Titan
2 297 titans need 1 pls help