Need 4 for daughters checkpoint. Msg taurohs
Looking for a team that has done atheon before. I am trying to finish this quest. I have beaten atheon like a bazillion times. Trying to get this knocked out in less than an hour.
Edited by XmptdRaptr: 10/20/2015 6:29:58 PMLooking for team on the "Not Forged in Light" quest. Gotta kill atheon. Any cp will do. Invite or message me in game
Need 4 for atheon checkpoint. Message GitRektSkrubs for invite
need 3 for VOG hard for quest. GT: Interlexity
Need 4, message GitRektSkrubs for invite.
Add for Atheon have 2 people ZeroGriffin0
Got 2 looking for Atheon cp Please invite
need 3 more for quick run, getting the quest done, msg Dupaths for vog
309 hunter looking for 5 for fresh normal run gt is : SUPERKITTY 9000
Need 4 people gt is name fresh run
Edited by SlothBear101: 10/20/2015 5:41:13 PMLooking for atheon cp. msg slothbear101 and we can do this quick
Looking for a group to do normal VoG... Gt EZmanslaughter7
Need 1 for checkpoint after warpreist
LF 1 more on oryx we got two malice light 305+. Now wat to do!!
To all guardians out there, king's fall hard mode is coming. I'll be running the raid all day this coming Saturday and looking for experienced guardians to join me. Touch of Malice is not required. I have a lot of experience and a lot of communication is required. If you are interested in running the hard mode version of this raid all day Saturday, msg me at gt above so I can reserve a spot for you. Have a good week guardians and I hope to fight alongside you guys this weekend.
305 hunter. Inv me for vog
Doing a vog run for fun Msg TheMaskSalesman
307 looking for 4 more for fresh run. Message FoO Jynx
Need 3 for fresh run message me for invite
Titan 305 Looking for oracles cp. GT: xxgetmoney00 Send invite on Xbox
Need 4 for vog, not essential we have 4 but want to do a energy/shard run on xb1, gt same as name.
Need 4 for fresh start Msg gt above
Need 4 more people for fresh run. Send message for inv GT same
Need 1 for vog hard msg G1 Skyfire
Need 2 ppl for a VoG Fresh Run