319 hunter looking to host a hard fresh run, 318+ and very experienced players only, message The Real Mossy so we can get this smooth and quick run done
319 hunter looking to host a hard fresh run, 318+ and very experienced players only, message The Real Mossy so we can get this smooth and quick run done
Need 2 people for golgoroth checkpoint taking someone through there first time so have patience gt the same
How's it going everybody? :3 I'm a 311 Hunter looking to help anyone out with the raid cx I have a Touch of Malice and Spindle :3 any checkpoint is perfectly fine with me :3 please message me in game <3 gt same as above :3
Need 1 golgoroth cp norm Gt same as above
Doing a fresh run, helping out light levels from 290+ Message me for an invite GT:diskidgotskills
Doing a fresh run, helping out light levels from 290+ Message me for an invite GT:diskidgotskills
Need 3 people for warpriest cp. 300+ only and please have a mic. Message: ll Diablos ll
Edited by Plasma: 3/9/2016 10:36:12 PMNeed 4 for oryx challenge message ItsPlxsmaa for invite
Need 5 for oryx challenge checkpoint message J0llygreenmeme for inv
Need 5 for oryx challenge I HAVE CP 300+ light Must have mic and experience NO SQUEAKERS message Play Salty for invite
Need 3 people for warpriest cp. 300+ only and please have a mic. Message: ll Diablos ll
Need 1 Titan 318+ Orx cp
Have oryx cp Need 2 doing challenge GT Mvkies
Warpriest cp looking for 3 msg for inv also need experienced people for the challenge
Warpriest cp looking for 3 msg for inv also need experienced people for the challenge
Need 2 more for warpriest
Need 1 at sisters message on Xbox. Same gt
Need 4 more starting fresh 300+
Warpriest cp looking for 3 msg for inv also need experienced people for the challenge
Need 5 for Oryx CP. Doing challenge. Msg Reach1285 for invite
Need 3 for oryx cp, know what to do and be good. GT same as above
316 Hunter Hosting Hard Raid: Sisters CP doing challenge! Must be 315+ Msg: sauciestcat007 for Invite
need 2 totems
Need five for oryx cp normal doing challenge gt same as above
Lfg for fresh normal, inv same gt pls