Looking to do a fresh run of crota's end on hard or will do a deathsinger or crota checkpoint if someone has one. Message XxDeathInFirexX on Xbox One
Need for oryx hard message stickydragon928 for invt need 2 be Titan
Need 4 for fresh hard crota raid. message SunKing305
Need 4 for fresh hard crota raid. message ikrazyperson
Hey Guys, just looking for Crota! Lets Kick some Ass and have a great time. I would like to on hard, but it doesnt really matter. Aint looking for NOOBS. Nah Im just kidding with ya. Im glad to help first timers. Im trying to get Necrochasm on the way just for fun! Need 5 people. It would actually help if I get somebody with knowledge on the bridge checkpoint, cause even I get listo sometimes 😅.
Need 4 Please: 1. Be 315 plus (not 305,307, 310...315) 2. Know the raid! jump puzzles, boss strategies, etc. 3. Have T.O.M. And a 305 plus sniper (Black spindel preferred!) 4. Know how to stay alive! self res, good tactics etc. 5. don't be goofy/have mic If you die a lot, or have weak ass gear don't join. I Won't hesitate to boot bad players. If you don't the know the raid by now you're just a bad player. NO KNIGHT Strategy for Oryx. If you don't know what that is don't join. If you can't be torn, or are afraid of being torn, (on sisters) don't join. Hard Mode (Golo Challenge) Gt: Transformers30
Hunter 304 LF fresh start Gt same as above
Need 1 315 plus for fresh run message me for invite same gt
Need 1 315 plus for fresh run message me for invite same gt
319 warlock looking to a group at crota cp. Gt is same as user ID.
Looking for a couple more guys for Crota. Message above for invite.
Need two for hard oryx cp get same as user know 123 no knight strat 315 up please
Need 2 for normal Crota to get flawless medal
Need 1 for oryx.
Looking for crota hard deathsinger or crota checkpoint. Message XxDeathInFirexX
Need 1 for sisters.
need help on Crota room for 3 msg me here or gt: Junkyard Munki
Need 3 for hard Crota
318 warlock with spindle looking for Croata run. GT same as above.
319 warlock looking for 3 more for crota from bridge cp.
Hit me up, 2mro morning? hit me up with a DM!
Me and Bartholomew444 are looking for raiders. Message him or above for invite.
At death slinger need 1 to hold it so I can get on my warlock and get cp I'm 318 hunter
I'm looking for two more people to help finish Crota on hard
Edited by Street Sharkk: 12/13/2015 1:53:07 AMMssg me for crota hard on xbox live
Anyone wants to do crota? Send invite