Lfg for fresh normal, inv same gt pls
305 experienced Hunter looking to run fresh raid. Message me on XB1 to invite. ZSRC
Need 5 fresh run msg Xbox Wiki
need 4 for normal just chill, no try hards bring your own drugs
Xbox1 warlock 313 spindle 317 any kings fall GT same never killed Oryx
At totem cp for inv normal Xbox one
Oryx checkpoint Looking for experienced players with over 305 light/mic/black spindle or malice. Know what you're doing, and I mean EVERYTHING. Need 1 more. Oryx challenge. Let's get it done. Msg GT above
315 Titan looking to join a group for fresh run
Need 3 for norm fresh 2 hunters
Looking for fresh run 307 titan have two need Xbox one normal
Need 3 for oryx 2 are new
Need 2 lol 300+ know what to do
Fresh normal KF. Need 4. 300+. Msg me GT above.
NORMAL fresh start 300+ Message me
Fresh run Xbox one will start group or join group Gt same as above
Need 2 gologoroth cp msg for inv gt above
319 titan looking for oryx can run do a plate or mid whatever Inv oGREEN HAMMERo
Need 5 for golgroth cp Must have mic and experience 300+ light plz No squeakers Message Play Salty for invite
301 Hunter looking for team for daughters on normal. Msg or invite. GT same as above.
LF1m norm totems!
Looking to do fresh run on warlock 297 gt same
Need two for totems on normal. Message in game for invite. Gt same as above
Need 2 for totems normal hlp out a friend
LF1m norm totems!
Need one for totems hard gt same as above msg for inv
Need 2 lol 300+ know what to do