Need one for black spindle
Looking to join 2 for black spindle. I'm a 314 self res warlock. I can do ad duty if need be. Can't join party though because of a communications ban. GT is Aspect Saint
317 [b]Titan[/b] with exotic sword looking for 2 315+ [i]light[/i] for [b]BLACK SPINDLE DAILY[/b] Msg [b]RUSTEDEMBRACE[/b] on [b][u]XB1[/u][/b] Please include [b]Class[/b]/ [i]light[/i] level
Level 258 looking for 2 light level 313+ that are willing to help me message ToxicWolfSpyro6
Need 1 for daily
304 hunter. Invite cmill145 for spindle run
Edited by SUR6EON General: 12/22/2015 11:08:15 PM314 warlock, already have spindle, willing to help, trying to get the ship. Gt as above, XB1
306 warlock already have black spindle but looking to run to try and get ship on XB1. GT same as name. Thanks.
Need one more for black spindle, already halfway through the mission
Need two titans for spindle 310+ message on Xbox for invite. Tag urowner83
310 need to do black spindle hunter
Need one for black spindel Gt same msg me for inv
Level 316 hunter looking to do spindle mission invite me GT: X iv RApiDs
308 warlock needing help getting spindle. Will return favor. Gt same as above on xbox1
Looking to run nf 3 times. Gt obee23
Fresh HARD, doing challenge Must know what your DOING Must be light 314+ and also a Mic GT name above and send light lvl+class ON XBOX
310 hunter inv me
307 Titan already have black spindle but looking to run to try and get ship on XB1. Need one more. GT same as name. Thanks.
Going for ship 318 warlock need 2 more
need help getting black spindle. MSG me for INV gt same as name
Need 2 4 nf gt same
Let's go get the black spindle. Message good1sean for invite.
Need 1 msg gt above for inv
Need 1 for black spindle
306 Hunter need two for nf no mic
Need 1 for noghtfall