Need 2 lol 300+ know what to do
Need 5 for Warpriest on normal. Must be 300+ and have mic. Message: ll Diablos ll
Looking for one more for normal war priest, message for invite must be experienced
Need 1more 315+ sisters cp, doing oryx challenge Xbox one gt same as name. Msg with light and class
Fresh run. Looking for experienced players with over 305 light/mic/black spindle or malice. Know what you're doing, and I mean EVERYTHING. Need 1 more. Oryx challenge. Let's get it done. Msg GT above
Need 1 for fresh normal raid message GamerPanda4t for invite
Need one for hard over 316 light
Starting a fresh raid msg same as above
XB1 300 Hunter Looking for FRESH! KINGS FALL NORMAL Send ME an invite My GT is my user
Need 3 for totems normal . Must have experience and know what to do. Gt is name
Need 5 for totems normal . Must have experience and know what to do. Gt is name
Need one, at golgoroth cp, gt same as above, (characters are a capitol i)
Need one, at golgoroth cp, gt same as above, (characters are a capitol i)
Need 4 for normal totems. Msg for INV 317 warlock.
Need 3 for Oryx CP normal. GT: Breezy So Fine message me on xbox if interested.
Need 4 for normal totems. Msg for INV 317 warlock.
319 looking to help... Gt same as above
Need two for oryx raid please be experienced thanks
Need 1 for fresh
319 Hunter doing norm raid to help buddy message same GT as above for invite fresh need one more
Need 3 at totems normal mode.
Need 2 at sisters cp normal
319 Hunter doing norm raid to help buddy message same GT as above for invite fresh have three need three more
Need 1 for Normal fresh. Gt same as above, msg for inv.
319 Hunter doing norm raid to help buddy message same GT as above for invite fresh have three need three more