XB1 At Oryx CP NORMAL Message me for invite My GT is my user 300+ Experienced Players Welcome
Need 3 for fesh raid message for invite
Looking for 4 more for golgorath check point light 300+ must be experienced Gt: THOR4675
[quote]Need 4 for oryx checkpoint must be experienced and over 298 message FaddySuperset10
Need a team for nm raid warpriest cp, gt same as above
[quote]Need 4 for oryx checkpoint must be experienced and over 298 message FaddySuperset10
Need 2 for normal oryx cp. Gt same as above 310+ pls
Need 4 for fresh ,doing challenge,Be experienced GT:M3D4L
318 titan Looking for a group for normal raid Be experienced. Light level doesn't matter Gt same as above
Looking for nm raid war priest or totems cp, gt same as above
Need 2 for Golgorath CP Normal xbox one message JonChappu2015 for invite
Need 4 for fresh ,doing challenge,Be experienced GT:M3D4L
I've helped people for the past 5 weeks and haven't completed it I have done the raid countless times I am a 309 hunter and I have 305 warlock with ToM I need four experienced people to do the raid and the challenge message p1xel st0rmz for inv
Need 4 for fresh ,doing challenge,Be experienced GT:M3D4L
Need 2 for normal fresh run. We have a 317 314 320 and a 289. Must have completed it before. Message Xfg SteaLth xD for invite.
Need 2 for Golgorath CP Normal xbox one message JonChappu2015 for invite
Need 2 fresh start Normal Mode on Xbox One Message: l Drew B l
Looking to go to the lighthouse good or bad we will carry you top 1% player. Just drop by my stream at http:/www.twitch.tv/enviflux
Need 2 for war priest message me for info
Looking for 1 for Golgroth checkpoint (must have mic) 308 Defender Titan GT SLAYEROFANARKY
Need 1 for golgoroth msg GamerWolf6759 for invite
I'm a 314 hunter helping my friend out for the first time Must know what to do Must have mic Fresh raid
Need 2 kinds fall fresh
Looking for 1 more normal kings fall fresh 300+ experienced - message class and light level gt: Squ1rrelBoyz or THOR4675
310 Titan with 310 tom and 314 black spindle. Looking to help people in kings normal fresh. Message me same gt as above.
310 Titan with 310 tom and 314 black spindle. Looking to help people in kings normal fresh. Message me same gt as above.