Need 4 for fresh HARD run. Be 300+
319 Titan lf 315+ oryx cp team. Invite Feel Broken
Msg for invite or invite me
Level 40 Titan looking to do a fast run of VOG for an exotic weapon "no time to explain"
Need 4 for fresh vog, I need to do it for no time to explain, gt same msg for inv
Message in game bored as all hell feel like doing a vault run
317 titan looking to do atheon cp gt kingtee544
317 titan looking to do atheon cp gt kingtee544
317 titan looking to do atheon cp gt kingtee544
Need 4 for fresh run. Gt Anotherrose
Invite ETERNITYONFIREX lvl 40 experienced with raid
314 hunger looking to join any part of vog normal just send me an invite
300 warlock looking to do VOG for first time. Inv me gt Nitemare05
Need 2 for full hardick mentally challenged fresh to death. 315+ Weiner know your stuff no babies psyche only babies.
300 Warlock looking for Fresh Vault GT: LukeTHE3
301 hunter looking for VOG party any cp not fussed
Need 1 for Templar
Need 2 more for hard vault of glass msg Soft HardDrive
Need five for quick run don't care year one or two
Need 3 for fresh
Hosting vog hard send message for invite. gt smurphinator223
314 hunter can run relic and solo both portals inv gt same as above
Edited by VampLord13: 1/5/2016 9:00:05 PM309 titan looking to try for fatebringer with an experienced team message VampLord13 or invite to party first
312 Titan looking for vog normal
Edited by Kinky Karll: 1/5/2016 8:52:22 PMNeed 3 for hard mode vog message Kinky Karll
317 warlock looking for any hard cp Invite gt above