317 warlock looking for any hard cp Invite gt above
Hosting vog hard need 3 message EPICTODDY
Hosting vog hard send message for invite. gt smurphinator223
313 Titan looking to do vog for no time to explain quest. Invite if you need one more
I'm up for VOG if anyone else is.
213 Titan wanting to do VOG run msg me if you have a group
308 Titan looking for atheon cp. No time to explain quest. Invite me
Looking for Athlon cp, 296 Titan, no time to explain, gt same
Host vog hard send message for invite. gt smurphinator223
Need 2 for vog. If you have che k point let me know Gt: kill pwn ya
Need 2 for vog if you have a checkpoint let me know in the messege Gt: kill pwn ya
317 hunter looking for atheon or something close. Indont care if its hard or normal Gt; kill pwn ya
314 hunter looking to kill just atheon or somewhere close Please invite Gt; kill pwn ya
Anyone trying to do VOG, let's do it HARD Trying to run through real quick!
Need 5 for fresh normal vault of glass doing this for no time to explain quest gt same as above
Need 4 for Vog Message Steedoj if interested
Lfg any cp 317 hunter Gt same as name
Anyone up for a Crota's End Hard? GT: BCovaWantTo23
Fresh run VoG normal. Message for invite. GT same as above
Looking for people that wanna do the no time to explain,we have the atheon cp and only need 2 people send msg for inv gt same as name
Never did kings fall, but I'm a fast learner. Fresh run. Light level 299, GT: SomaticTrain908
Looking to do any raid fresh Warlock 307 Xbox one Send invite
Need five for normal vog.
Hosting fresh vault of glass for no time to explain send message for invite. Gt smurphinator223
Hosting fresh VOG run. Message over Xbox for inv GT: Fear King Hell