Need 4 for fresh be 290+ me a 316 lock
Looking for a team to join I'm light 305 hunter
309 hunter with ToM and spindle want to join a raid team at war priest cp 304+ Gt Rambo Trolls
Sisters cp Need two Touch is nice Gt: i3rokenParadise
Need 2 for oryx normal:: GT as above
Need a 305+ defender titan for normal fresh raid. [u][i]Message on xbox with level[/i][/u]. Gt same as username.
Need 1 for oryx cp 300+ msg for invite
Need someone with the oryx cp then 2 more msg for invite
309 Titan have exotic chest before sisters cp, looking for sisters cp! have all 320 weapons (ToM/Spindle) msg/inv: ii no Beasty
307 hunter with tom looking for sisters cp.
Need 1 totems msg in game
Need 1 for warpriest message for invite light and class
Suche paar leute für golgoroth cp
Need 3 more for fresh raid. Gt is name for invite
306 light Titan with touch, black spindle, sleeper looking for a sister cp on normal inv me gt djkidmix
Lf 2 at sister cp message character and lvl for inv. Gt scarface0851
Hunter (3rd character) looking to do fresh
312 hunter looking for golgaroth
310H lf Golgoroth challenge. I have CP.
Need one for fresh normal gt is juniors games89
Need 1 for totems message Spez16 for invite
309 titan looking for oryx cp invite me gt same as above
320 looking to do normal raid need 4 310+ HeXxRiDeZz for a invite
320 looking to do normal raid need 4 310+ HeXxRiDeZz for a invite
Need 5 for fresh normal know what you are doin higher the light the better message me light and class
Need 3 for oryx on hard be chill!