Need 2 for hard vog gt stoned waldo
Looking 4 some 4 vog hard msg sB Ezaap for an invite
Need 3 for VOG 130+
Need 4 250+ for VoG raid on normal fresh. You must have a mic. GT same as above message me on xbox
Hunter looking for vog run gt same as above
Vog hard, at conflux's, need 2 more. Msg Wilsoc1 for an invite.
Invite me im 315+ any class
Need 3 don't care what level
Need 5 for hard oracles Xbox one
Need 2 for vog hard pls know what to do gt same as above
Message pacific KoDmAN
Need a kick ass warlock or hunter to try to 2 man vog normal
need 3 for oryx cp preferably titans but not necessary and around 315 light preferably NO -blam!-IN SQUEALERS msg MJH1874
Light 305 Hunter with experience looking to so VOG My username is the same as my gamertag
On lvl 34 Boss for PoE. It's easy just please don't die . Msg zDeniai for Inv. All help is appreciated HELP PLEASE. Xbox One
Light 305 Hunter with experience looking to so VOG My username is the same as my gamertag
Need 5 for atheon gt above
Light 305 Hunter with experience looking to so VOG My username is the same as my gamertag
Need a few for VoG hard mode
Need 5 for hard mode VOG fresh. Message gamertag above for invite.
Need 5 for hard mode VOG fresh. Message gamertag above for invite.
315 Titan looking for vog fresh or templer cp..THEKRUMM
Need 5 For Vault Of Glass Hard Mode Message IcaFlames For Invite Light : 265+ Plz
Need four for fresh run gt above
Need one at atheon
Anyone running VoG? Normal or hard. Inv me GT: Faulker G