307 hunter looking for golgoroth cp and challenge ... Send inv to BitznPiecez
312 hunter oryx fresh need a full team join if you never beat the raid I'll teach you 290 plus would be nice doing the raid for fun if you never beat the raid and need help join if your experienced and want to go ahead GT is above little kids are welcome but if you you can't listen and are irritating your gonna get kicked
312 hunter oryx fresh need a full team join if you never beat the raid I'll teach you 290 plus would be nice doing the raid for fun if you never beat the raid and need help join if your experienced and want to go ahead GT is above little kids are welcome but if you you can't listen and are irritating your gonna get kicked
305 warlock with Tim looking for norm fresh run. Gt ctl frosty
312 hunter oryx fresh need a full team join if you never beat the raid I'll teach you 290 plus would be nice doing the raid for fun if you never beat the raid and need help join if your experienced and want to go ahead GT is above little kids are welcome but if you you can't listen and are irritating your gonna get kicked
Need 5 for war priest in 407 hunter and know what to do message sbove
Looking for war priest inv me same as above 307 hunter
1 more for oryx checkpoint..
312 hunter oryx fresh need a full team join if you never beat the raid I'll teach you 290 plus would be nice doing the raid for fun if you never beat the raid and need help join if your experienced and want to go ahead GT is above little kids are welcome but if you you can't listen and are irritating your gonna get kicked
Need 5 for oryx cp. 305+ and MUST be experienced Msg "Lmbrt" for inv
Need 5 for oryx cp. 305+ and MUST be experienced Msg "Lmbrt" for inv
Looking for team I'm a 308 hunter
Need one for golgoroth challenge.
Two more for golgoroth challenge hard. Message me, gamer tag is sjdanielak
Need 2 oryx GT same
Fresh run Message me SH00T3R 15 Doing it for fun
311 warlock looking for fresh run. Message thenordicgreen for invite. Chilled run
307 Titan looking for fresh, warpriest or golgaroth
Need 3 for normal sisters
Looking to do raid lvl 301 warlock have touch of malace. Have done raid many times so I know what to do. Message me Are U Soft
312 hunter for fresh or totems. Gt: Jcard09
Need 2 oryx GT same
Need 3 for normal sisters
2 more for oryx checkpoint
Need one for gorgorath
Hard mode raid fresh run Completing challenge 318+ Message light level and class. NICE VIBES ONLY. Thanks (: Gamertag: emmndd