Need to do it on hard mode gt xXXxRMxXXx
Edited by Wilsoc: 11/23/2015 1:53:21 AMAnyone doing crota hard or normal, invite me. 315 Titan. GT: Wilsoc1
Need 5 people for crota. We can cheese or do it legit, I dont mind, just want to have fun. Gt is same, so message me for an invite
looking to have fun and get the glowhoo finally need 5 will start with 4
Swordbearer here. Message me if you need help. Gt : justcuzman
Starting hard mode fresh already in message gt Spartan112kain for invite
Looking to do hard mode message gt Spartan112kain
I am at Croat hard cp and need 2 or 3 more
Edited by Lord Dio: 11/22/2015 1:03:20 AMLooking for 4 more to do Crota hard Gt same as above
Edited by Oblivion006: 11/21/2015 10:04:15 PMNeed 3 for hard crota end raid msg Oblivion006 for inv
Need 4 for fresh
306 Golgoroth hard check point inv me
Level 315 hunter with 316 sword 317 spindle looking for fresh run for a giggle Gt: same ^^^
Swordbearer for hire Inv GT above on XBL
Does anyone want to do crota hard for fum msg Toa Sphinx for inv on Xbox
Need 1 more for hard fresh Gamertag bleedlnout
Swordbearer for hire Inv GT above on XBL
Looking for crota raid group
314 looking for Crota End raid group msg Oblivion006
Gatekeeper cp Leax retroz Hdx on the Xbox one
At oryx 315 inv experienced
Leax retroz Hdx on Xbox one and gatekeeper cp
Leax retroz Hdx on Xbox one and have gatekeeper cp
Leax retroz Hdx on Xbox one gatekeeper co
Edited by ZenickFTW: 11/20/2015 11:35:17 PMNeed 3 Need someone with Crota checkpoint Warlock 298 40 Hunting for Gjallarhorn Msg xR4g3x CRYPTIC
Have a 300 titan and 303 warlock send invite please