Need 4 Please: 1. Be 315 plus (not 305,307, 310...315) 2. Know the raid! jump puzzles, boss strategies, etc. 3. Have T.O.M. And a 305 plus sniper (Black spindel preferred!) 4. Know how to stay alive! self res, good tactics etc. 5. don't be goofy/have mic If you die a lot, or have weak ass gear don't join. I Won't hesitate to boot bad players. If you don't the know the raid by now you're just a bad player. NO KNIGHT Strategy for Oryx. If you don't know what that is don't join. If you can't be torn, or are afraid of being torn, (on sisters) don't join. Hard Mode (Golo Challenge) Gt: Transformers30
314 Titan looking for black spindle quest
Need one 300+ Shadowshot for Spindle, message Dominant Geek.
Need one 300+ for spindle. Helping my friend through it
Invite CoDHomework For Black Spindle 311 Hunter
310+ for black spin
Exp for black spindle..299 hunter ..gt same as above..invite
Need two. Experience. 305+ light. GT same as above.
Need 1 for black spindle
Willing to help people through Black Spindle (I have 3, just want the ship), playing on 305 hammer Titan. Invite CAKEZ X
Lfg blackspindl. 307 hunter
If two more wish to join me they're welcome to. Currently at the door on lost to light, ready to start the run. Message me for an invite. GT: Effectivezach
Looking for one more on Xbox one 305+ for lost to light msg get as above
Need one for black spindle 305+ message me for invite
Just doing the the daily looking to fill team or start one . Gt same as above
318 hunter looking for Black Spindle quest. Invite Nauticshadow
Need 2 317+
Lf 1 more for black spindle
Edited by GASDEM: 12/14/2015 1:24:44 AMNeed 2 310+ for lost of light daily GT trillaxg or gasdem
Exp for black spindle..299 hunter ..gt same as above..invite
On xbox one. I need 2 for black spindle. Already started. Msg for inv ; )
294 Titan looking for help with black spindle gt same as above
Anyone want to help a 297 light Titan get the spindle? Would be nice if someone helped me out Gt is acesniper92
Need 2 314+ please know what your doing message with light and class for invite gt same on xb1
Need one 310+. Have a Supercell and a raid machine gun, it makes this so much easier. Message RobWen31.
U want a spindle message me must be at least 305+ good guns as well