Looking to do crota hard 3 times (all 3 characters) 303 titan 307 warlock 312 hunter
Looking for full team. GT is Ash ixi
At crota, hardmode, need more, message spc fox for invite
Need 3 for Crotas end
just need minimum of 2 people to start gt same dont feel hesistant to message if 5 mins passed
Look for 5 to run crotas end for fun. Message SNOW MAN199 for invite
Looking for 4 to do a Crota Hard mode run for the shader Glowho. Message me on Xbox live at R3DneckSuperman
Need 4 people for crota hard cp message for INV gt same as above
Just need 1 for spot 3 in no knight strat
Need 1 for fun at crota gt same msg for inv
I need 4 people and a sword bearer for crota hard cp message for INV gt same as above
Nee 4 people for crota hard message for INV ft same as above
314 Titan hard fresh or glyphs. Gt: i J N I N E.
I can be warlock hunter or Titan. Wanna do it bc I'm bored if anyone is running crota hard msg or inv speakeasy513
315 warlock. Looking for any cp prefer crota. Gt same as above
315 titan lf crota hard
I will start from any checkpoint or fresh
I'm a 313 warlock invite me
Need one for crota cp
Need one for crota cp gt above
Need one for crota cp
Need 3 for crota fresh gt:Yeah Its Giants
Need 3 more for hardmode fresh. Message spc fox for invite
Need 5 for fresh start gt : Ogeta Xbox one Yes, for crota end
Need one 305+ for totems cp gamer tag is my name
Looking to set up a hard crotas end run for tonight. Approx 9 or 10pm gmt. Message me if ur interested