U want a spindle message me must be at least 305+ good guns as well
Level 297 warlock Lookin to get the black spindle Xbox one Gt-forvy
Need one more for spindle. 310+ please and know what you are doing. I'm a 316 hunter. Message gt above for invite
Need 1 for lost to light prefer another titan 300+ message ihries317 for invite
304 Titan inv gt : xaxdriftxjx
Edited by VSG DARK: 12/14/2015 12:54:11 AM
Exp for black spindle..299 hunter ..gt same as above..invite
Need one 310+. Have a Supercell, it makes everything a world easier. Message RobWen31.
310 & 317 Lf1m to run this gt: snowboarder876
308 titan
Need one message me gt same
Need 1
Need 2 314+ please know what your doing message with light and class for invite gt same on xb1
Lookin to get my 2nd Black Spindle
Need one. Msg for inv
Looking for 2 to do daily. I'm a 318 titan looking for 310+ to get it done quick. GT as above. Message with light level and class
305 hunter msg or inv gt omgxitzxgod
Black spindle mission sucks; so hard! Need help! 298 titan lf group to run black spindle mission. Inv me, or msg me and I'll inv you!
315 titan. Looking for black spindle daily. Gt : justcuzman
Exp for black spindle..299 hunter ..gt same as above..invite
Need two. Message RobWen31.
312 Titan black spindle gt same as above
315 hunter for black spindle
311 hunter looking to get spindle
308 hunter need two. 305+ msg gt same as above.
299 titan lf group to run black spindle mission. Inv me, or msg me and I'll inv you!